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Simply mix the minced meat with the rice. Live and learn: juicy meatballs with vegetable gravy

Meatballs are a very versatile dish that is found among many nations of the world. For example, Swedish meatballs are considered to be the most famous meatballs. The oldest ancestor of meatballs is a dish that came from the Turkic people – kyufta. However, in this analog of meatballs people put raisins or other dried fruits. Turkic meatballs were boiled in broth. There is an assumption that even the sauce for kofta was special.

In addition to dried fruits, Turkic peoples added rice to meatballs. Probably, this was the beginning for further spreading the preparation of analogs of kofta around the world. Let’s tell you the usual recipe for meatballs with gravy.

Ingredients for meatballs:

  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • hopeli suneli;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • rice – 100 g.

Ingredients for gravy:

  • onion – 1 pc;
  • carrots – 1 pc;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – tsp;
  • water – 650 ml;
  • flour – 3 tsp.

Preparation of meatballs in gravy:

Pour salt, hopeli-suneli, break an egg into the minced meat. Boil rice until ready, put it in the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Chop onion in a blender and put into the mince, mix again.

Cut onion into small cubes, grate carrots for gravy


In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry onions and carrots.

Form meatballs from minced meat and place in a baking dish.

Просто перемешайте фарш с рисом. Век живи - век учись: сочные тефтели с овощной подливой

After frying the vegetables, add tomato paste to them, stir.

Pour 350 ml of water into the vegetable mass, cover with a lid

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Separately pour flour into the water, mix. Pour

salt and sugar into the vegetable mixture, pour a thin stream of flour water.

Просто перемешайте фарш с рисом. Век живи - век учись: сочные тефтели с овощной подливой

Leave the sauce under the lid for 3 minutes to simmer. Then pour the gravy over the meatballs in a baking dish.

Просто перемешайте фарш с рисом. Век живи - век учись: сочные тефтели с овощной подливой

Bake meatballs at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Просто перемешайте фарш с рисом. Век живи - век учись: сочные тефтели с овощной подливой

As a result, we have juicy meatballs with vegetable gravy. You can serve these meatballs with any side dish.

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