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Beautiful and unusual. Salad with chicken, prunes and nuts: decoration of the festive table.

Of great importance on the festive table are various salads. This is a great dish that can greatly diversify the menu. At the same time, salads will be relevant for almost any celebration, from the anniversary to the New Year. The main thing is to correctly combine salads on the festive table.

Many people do not know how to combine salads on the table. For this reason, there are dishes that remain untouched throughout the holiday. To correct this will help a simple combination of classic and new salads. It should be in a 50/50 ratio.

However, not everyone knows the recipes for delicious new salads for the holiday. For this, we have prepared one of the recipes for a delicious New Year’s salad.

Ingredients for the salad:

  • smoked chicken – 250 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cheese – 120 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs;
  • prunes – 120 g;
  • walnuts – 100 g.

Preparation of the salad:

Grate cheese on a fine grater. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and divide into whites and yolks. Cut smoked chicken into small cubes, pass garlic cloves to it, mix.

Fill smoked chicken with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly


Chop prunes, and also chop walnuts into fine crumbs. Place in a cooking ring with a diameter of 18 cm the first layer of chicken.

On the chicken layer put the cheese layer, smear with a mesh of mayonnaise. Put prunes on the cheese layer, also smear with mayonnaise. Grate yolks on a fine grater, pour them on the prunes layer. Sprinkle

nut crumbs on the yolk layer. Form a mayonnaise mesh on the surface. Grate

ALSO READ:  Marquise Salad for New Year's Eve. I discovered the perfect holiday salad flavor

the whites on a coarse grater and pour them on top of the salad.

Красивый и необычный. Салат с курицей, черносливом и орехами: украшение праздничного стола.

This salad can also be decorated with walnuts, prunes and dill. It turns out to be a delicious layered salad.

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