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I take 1 cup of kefir and make a whole mountain of deliciousness. Unusual apple fritters

Pancakes have become an important part of the breakfast of any CIS resident. Not only that, pancakes have long since penetrated the cultures of other nations. Even Asians, who are not particularly fond of ordinary baked goods and flour, have become fans of pancakes. However, the Japanese and Chinese only bake perfect fritters. That is, so smooth and equally fried on all sides that these fritters are more like pancakes. Besides, Asian fritters are cooked on rice flour, they are very thin.

In CIS countries fritters should be puffy according to the rules. For this purpose, the dough after proofing is not mixed again, and all products are taken warm.

Let’s tell you how to cook delicious European apple fritters


Ingredients for apple fritters:

  • Egg – pcs;
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Kefir – 200 ml;
  • Flour – 350 g;
  • Soda – tsp;
  • Vinegar 9% – tsp;
  • Apple – 2 pcs.

Preparation of apple fritters:

Pour salt and sugar into a bowl with eggs, beat with a whisk until the grains of sand dissolve. Pour kefir into the mixture, stir.

Sift flour into the kefir, knead the dough. Beforehand, pour baking soda on the mound of flour, pour vinegar on it. Knead smooth and not sticky dough with hands, leave it under cellophane for 10 minutes.

Беру 1 стакан кефира и готовлю целую гору вкуснятины. Необычные яблочные оладьи

Peel apples from the peel and seed pods. Cut the apples into small pieces.

Roll out the dough into a layer about 5 mm thick. Place apple slices on the surface of the dough and wrap the dough with the filling inside.

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Беру 1 стакан кефира и готовлю целую гору вкуснятины. Необычные яблочные оладьи

Pinch the edges and cut the roll into small pieces.

Беру 1 стакан кефира и готовлю целую гору вкуснятины. Необычные яблочные оладьи

Lightly press each piece horizontally. Fry the fritters on low heat until golden crust in vegetable oil.

Беру 1 стакан кефира и готовлю целую гору вкуснятины. Необычные яблочные оладьи

As a result, we have unusual apple fritters.

Беру 1 стакан кефира и готовлю целую гору вкуснятины. Необычные яблочные оладьи

These fritters, unlike ordinary fritters, do not lose their fluffiness and shape after cooking.

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