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Apple roll for tea at the holiday table. Served immediately after cooking

Sweet rolls with filling have become an important part of many corporate parties and children’s matinees. They are bought in stores or prepared to order, independently. As a rule, home-made rolls are a priority. It is less sugary, with a delicious juicy filling.

Original recipes for sweet rolls are found in many European cuisines. Even in Asia they prepare sweet rolls from rice dough.

In China there is a sweet roll with fermented beans, for example.

To prepare a sweet roll, it is important to prepare the right biscuit


It should not be too puffy and airy. Elastic and thin biscuit is appreciated in rolls.

Let’s tell you how to prepare an apple roll for a tea party.

Ingredients for apple roll:

  • Eggs – 4 pcs;
  • Salt – a pinch;
  • Sugar – 125 g;
  • Baking powder – tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar – tsp;
  • Water – 4 tbsp;
  • Apples – 6 pcs;
  • Cinnamon – tbsp;
  • Sour cream – 200 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Flour – 125 g.

Preparation of apple roll:

Cut apples into small slices, remove the seed pods. Mix apple slices with cinnamon

. Grease a frying pan abundantly with vegetable oil, put apple slices on the surface. Roast the apples over high heat until soft and juicy.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

Separate the whites from the yolks. Pour vanilla sugar into the yolks and salt into the whites.

Gradually pour 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar into the protein foam and whip until a lush, glossy mass. Simultaneously stir apples in a skillet, stew over medium heat.

Whisk the yolks with salt, pour the rest of the sugar into them. After the sugar has dissolved in the yolks, pour water into them.

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Cover a baking tray with parchment, lay soft apple slices on it in an even layer. Combine the egg whites with the yolks, pour the baking powder and flour into the mixture and knead

a lump-free dough, which we transfer to the apple layer.

The dough should be spread over the apples in an even layer.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

Bake the biscuit with filling in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Then cool the baking tray with the biscuit for 10 minutes.

Cover the top of the biscuit with parchment and turn it over on a grid. Remove the parchment from the apple layer.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

Roll the biscuit into a roll with the filling and the parchment inside. Leave the roll to cool. Mix sour cream and powdered sugar in a bowl.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

Unwrap the roll and smear the apple layer with the cream.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

Roll the biscuit back into a roll without parchment. Brush the ends with cream. Leave the roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

You may not leave the roll in the refrigerator, but serve it immediately.

Яблочный рулет к чаю на Праздничный стол. Подаю сразу после приготовления

We also recommend sprinkling the roll with powdered sugar before serving.

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