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A friend from Korea taught me: now I cook mackerel only this way. A fish recipe that surprised my guests

Mackerel is one of the most popular fish species. The global market for mackerel has been growing significantly recently and is likely to increase by 4.5% by 2028.

Who is in high demand for mackerel? First of all, eating this fish is important for middle class families. Budget fish is able to replace salmon and tuna.

Also fish is relevant for pesketarians – people who refused to eat animal meat, replacing it with fish. Mackerel

has a lot of useful substances, which has a positive effect on the body. Let’s cook mackerel at home deliciously.

Ingredients for baked mackerel:

  • mackerel – 2 pcs;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • dry garlic – a pinch;
  • oregano – ⅓ tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • lemon – pcs;
  • orange – pcs;
  • rosemary;
  • paprika.

Ingredients for garnish:

  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • green onions – a bunch;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • chili flakes;
  • ground pepper – a pinch;
  • vegetable seasoning;
  • tomato paste – tsp;
  • sugar – tsp;
  • soy sauce;
  • cabbage – cauliflower;
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of baked mackerel:

Remove from the fish head, tail, innards. Make several transverse incisions on the back of the mackerel at a distance of a couple of fingers from each other.

Sprinkle the fish with salt, dry garlic, oregano and ground black pepper if desired – on both sides. Water the fish with vinegar and vegetable oil.

Cut the lemon into small quarter slices. Similarly cut the orange. Put the orange slices inside the fish, and the lemon slices in the longitudinal holes.

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Lay out the mackerel in a baking dish lined with parchment


For the sauce, mix rosemary and paprika, pour vegetable oil and stir.

Подруга из Кореи научила: скумбрию теперь готовлю только так. Рецепт рыбы, который удивил моих гостей

Smear the fish with spices and oil, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, press garlic cloves, add coarsely chopped onion

. Using a vegetable peeler, chop carrots into coarse shavings


Put the carrots in the pan with the onions and mix.


chili flakes, ground pepper, vegetable seasoning to the carrots to taste and mix.

Add tomato paste and sugar to the carrots, pour in soy sauce and mix again. Coarsely chop white cabbage leaves, put them to the carrots in the pan.

Pour apple cider vinegar to the garnish, stir. When the cabbage will settle, turn off the fire and cover the vegetable garnish with a lid for 15-20 minutes.

Подруга из Кореи научила: скумбрию теперь готовлю только так. Рецепт рыбы, который удивил моих гостей

It is recommended to serve baked mackerel with this braised cabbage.

Подруга из Кореи научила: скумбрию теперь готовлю только так. Рецепт рыбы, который удивил моих гостей

It turns out to be an excellent Korean dinner of fish and vegetables.

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