Why is mackerel considered a useful fish? The
fact is that mackerel contains many substances that are rarely found in other products. For example, there are a lot of Omega-3 acids in fish. These acids
have an
excellent effect on human immunity, on the external and internal state.
In addition to Omega-3 acids in mackerel there is vitamin D. It is essential for coping with external infections. This vitamin is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Thus, the state of the bones comes to normal.
Let’s prepare marinated mackerel at home. It will be tastier than red fish.
Ingredients for pickled mackerel:
- Mackerel – kg;
- Vinegar 9% – 100 g;
- Water – 200 g;
- Salt – 10 g;
- Sugar – 5 g;
- Onion – pcs;
- Grain mustard – tbsp;
- Crushed pepper;
- Sunflower oil – 50 g.
Preparation of marinated mackerel:
Clean the mackerel from the fins and head, cut so as to separate the fillet from the spine and innards. Peel the fillet from the skin, remove excess bones with tweezers.
Cut the fillet into small pieces.
Put the fish pieces in a mixture of vinegar and water, leave for 30 minutes.
Pour the water with vinegar from the bowl with fish. Pour vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, sugar and mustard into the fish, mix.
Cut onions into small cubes. Put the onion to the fish, mix. Send the fish to an airtight box, where we marinate it for about 12 hours.
As a result, we have a delicious aromatic marinated mackerel. This method of marinating is safe, since we disinfect the fish in vinegar beforehand.