There is an opinion that mushrooms are the most useless mushrooms that exist in this family. However, it is worth noting that mushrooms are not useless. These mushrooms are champions in terms of phosphorus content. The percentage of this component in mushrooms is equal to the percentage in fish meat.
Of course, mushrooms are not as flavorful as porcini mushrooms. That said, they can strengthen bones.
should be consumed when there are problems with tooth enamel.
Usually mushrooms are added to different dishes like soups, salads and casseroles. You can make marinated mushrooms as an appetizer.
Ingredients for pickled mushrooms:
- Mushrooms – 1 kg;
- Salt – 1 tbsp;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Apple cider vinegar 6% – 6 tbsp;
- Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp;
- Laurel leaf – 3 pcs;
- Black pepper – 10 peas.
Preparation of marinated mushrooms:
In a saucepan pour salt, granulated sugar, pour in apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Cut garlic cloves into small plates, along with a bay leaf, put them in the pot.
Pour into the mixture of black pepper peas
Clean the mushrooms, put them in the pot. On high heat bring the marinade to a boil
. After boiling, cover the mushrooms with a lid and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. The mushrooms will shrink in size and give juice.
Put the pan with the mushrooms in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours to marinate.
Such marinated mushrooms can be served as an appetizer on the table. Marinated mushrooms are also suitable for serving in salads and other dishes.