Salads are considered an ancient dish that came to us from ancient Rome. Over time, the preparation of salads began to develop, new recipes appeared.
For example, all products should be cut in the same way. That is, a cube of the same size. This is required so that there is no imbalance between the ingredients in the salad. Otherwise, a certain component will pull over the flavor.
Also, all products in the salad should be the same temperature.
Boil vegetables for salads should be boiled in the mound, that is, in its own skin.
Let’s tell you how to cook for New Year’s Eve or another holiday salad
Ingredients for salad “New Year’s toy”:
- Onion – 0,5 pcs;
- Vinegar 9% – 50 ml;
- Water – 50 ml;
- Mushrooms – 50 g;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Ground black pepper – ⅓ tsp;
- Paprika – ⅓ tsp;
- Cheese – 100 g;
- Provence herbs;
- Boiled eggs – 4 pcs;
- Boiled chicken fillet – 100 g;
- Cucumber – pcs;
- Sweet pepper – pcs;
- Mayonnaise.
Preparation of salad “New Year’s toy”:
Cut quarter rings onions, pour vinegar and water. Leave the onions to marinate for 15-20 minutes. Cut cleaned mushrooms into large cubes, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
Fry mushrooms for 10-12 minutes, do not forget to salt. Then put the mushrooms on a plate, trying not to add vegetable oil.
Cut small pieces of boiled chicken fillet
Grate cheese on a coarse grater, put it in a plate, in a cooking ring.
Squeeze the marinade from the onion with our hands, put some of it on the surface of the cheese layer, sprinkle with ground black pepper and smear with mayonnaise. Put fried mushrooms on the onion layer, add chicken fillet to them.
Add the rest of the onion to the fillet, smear with mayonnaise, sprinkle with provan herbs. Grate boiled eggs on small grating cutters, sprinkle shavings on the mushroom layer, distribute evenly. The
egg layer is smeared with mayonnaise, rub fresh cucumber on this layer. Peel from the insides of the sweet pepper, divide into small pieces and grate on a coarse grater.
In a frying pan, fry the mass of pepper for 5 minutes, pour salt and paprika to it. Spread the juicy pepper mixture evenly over the cucumber layer.
Leave the salad to soak for at least a few hours.
It is recommended to prepare the dish in advance at night for the best soaking.