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Cool boiling water and cabbage. These pies have broken all records in my kitchen.

How did they make pies in ancient times? For our ancestors, pies were not a delicacy or a kind of snack. Pies as food performed an incredibly important function of satiation before a hard day.

Since most people worked 12-14 or more hours a day, a dense lunch and breakfast was vital.

Not always pies were


with meat, or even very rarely. As a rule, pies were made with vegetables. For example, with cabbage

. Moreover, they were made from the simplest ingredients – water, flour and cabbage itself. We found a similar simple recipe for cabbage pies.

Ingredients of the dough for cabbage pies:

  • steep boiling water – 250 ml;
  • warm water – 250 ml;
  • yeast – 7 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 20 g;
  • flour – 700 g.

Ingredients of pie filling:

  • cabbage – 250 g;
  • onion – pcs;
  • garlic – clove;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of cabbage pies:

In a bowl with boiling water pour 100 grams of flour, knead the dough with a spoon. Pour salt and sugar into the dough, stir. Pour warm water into the dough, pour 500 grams of flour into the dough

and start kneading a sticky and thick dough


Pour the yeast into the dough and use a spoon to combine the ingredients. Pour the rest of the flour into the dough and continue kneading the dough.

As soon as the dough becomes homogeneous and elastic, pour vegetable oil into the dough

. Continue kneading a soft and not sticky batter.

Leave the batter in the heat under a plastic wrap for 20 minutes.

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the meantime, make the stuffing – cut garlic into thin plates, cut onion into quarter rings.

In a frying pan in vegetable oil, lightly fry garlic, add onion to it. Fry the onion until slightly golden color.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater, send to the onion in the frying pan. Chop cabbage finely, send it to the pan with the vegetables. Salt the cabbage, pepper to taste and stir.

Крутой кипяток и капуста. Такие пирожки побили все рекорды на моей кухне

Fry cabbage for 5-7 minutes on medium heat. Lightly knead the dough, divide it into small lumps.

Grease the lumps with vegetable oil, cover with cellophane and leave for 10 minutes.

Roll each lump with your hands into a flatbread 2 mm thick.

Put the filling in the middle of the flatbread, wrap it in the dough as if it were a roll.

Крутой кипяток и капуста. Такие пирожки побили все рекорды на моей кухне

Pinch the open edge of each patty. Place the patties in the form of rolls on a baking tray lined with parchment.

Крутой кипяток и капуста. Такие пирожки побили все рекорды на моей кухне

In a frying pan with hot vegetable oil fry the patties on both sides until golden.

Крутой кипяток и капуста. Такие пирожки побили все рекорды на моей кухне

These patties have thin crispy dough and lots of juicy filling inside.

Крутой кипяток и капуста. Такие пирожки побили все рекорды на моей кухне

This is a great substitute for traditional patties.

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