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Zebra cake without cookies and flour. Long-forgotten recipe from a cooking magazine

Marble cake is commonly called Zebra cake because of the specific coloring. The fact is that the cake mixes two types of dough – vanilla and chocolate. The pattern is very similar to the coloring of the African animal, so the people got such a funny name.

In the confectionery world, a marble muffin or cake is considered one of the simplest desserts


It is often prepared for children’s parties and matinees. Of course, this does not mean that the cake is intended only for babies.

It is worth showing how you can quickly prepare a Zebra cake without flour.

Ingredients for Zebra cake:

  • Curd – 500 g;
  • Sour cream – 400 g;
  • Sugar (you can brown sugar) – 160 g;
  • Gelatin – 30 g;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Cocoa powder – 30 g;
  • instant coffee – 5 g;
  • Vanilla flavoring – 7 drops;
  • Chocolate – 20 g.

Preparation of Zebra cake:

In a cup with 50 ml of milk pour gelatin and wait for it to swell. In a separate bowl mix cottage cheese with granulated sugar and sour cream, beat with an immersion blender until homogeneous.

Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

Pour gelatin into the cottage cheese mass, which we melt in the microwave in advance. Mix the gelatin with the cottage cheese mass, distribute equally in 3 bowls.

Pour cocoa powder into one bowl, stir with a whisk


Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

Pour the rest of the milk to the curd mass with cocoa, mix to achieve a more liquid consistency.

In the second bowl pour instant coffee, stir for a couple of minutes until the granules disappear in the mass.

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Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

In the third bowl add vanilla flavoring, mix with cottage cheese mass.

Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

In a separate deep container spread out the food wrap. Take three spoons, one by one drop into the bowl with cottage cheese masses. Put a tablespoon of each of the masses on the bottom of the container with cling film.

Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

We alternate the cottage cheese mass with vanilla, cocoa and coffee until all three bowls with mixtures are finished.

Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

Then put the cake in the refrigerator for 5 hours, or better overnight.

Торт "Зебра" без печенья и муки. Давно забытый рецепт из кулинарного журнала

After solidification, turn the bowl upside down, take out the cake and remove the food film. Decorate the cake with melted chocolate.

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