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I make cutlets according to a new recipe: without a gram of meat, but they turn out delicious. It’s all thanks to the right additive

Pearl groats are one of the most useful groats in the world. It is known in the gastronomic culture of many peoples.

For example, pearl porridge and other dishes are found in the cuisine of the Karelians, Komi-Zyrians and Permian Komis. Pearl

groats gained their popularity in the Middle Ages


Peter the Great was very fond


pearl porridge


However, not only porridge can be made from pearl groats


Even make cutlets is possible from this groat.

Ingredients for pearl cutlets:

  • pearl groats – 330 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • butter;
  • onion – pcs;
  • garlic – clove;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • sweet pepper – pcs.;
  • egg – pcs;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of pearl cutlets:

Thoroughly rinse the pearl groats until the water in it becomes transparent. Then pour water over the pearl groats and leave for 8 hours, that is, overnight

. In the morning, swollen pearl groats are transferred to a pot, abundantly pour water and cook for half an hour. Then rinse the pearl in cold water, so that the groats were comfortable to work with.

Cut into half-ring onions, finely chop a clove of garlic


In a frying pan, heat butter and vegetable oil, put onion and garlic

. Grate carrots on a fine grater, peeled sweet pepper cut into small cubes


Add the pepper and carrots to the soft onion, stir

fry the vegetable mixture over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Let the vegetable mass cool slightly.

Put on the meat grinder a fine strainer, through which we pass the pearl groats together with the vegetable mass. Salt the stuffing, break an egg and pour in flour.

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Котлеты готовлю по новому рецепту: без грамма мяса, а получается вкусно. Всё благодаря правильной добавке

It is important that the mass was warm, but not hot, so that the egg does not curdle.

Thoroughly mix the minced meat with flour and egg to a homogeneous sticky mass. Form cutlets with our hands, which we place in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil.

Котлеты готовлю по новому рецепту: без грамма мяса, а получается вкусно. Всё благодаря правильной добавке

Fry the cutlets to a golden color on both sides.

Котлеты готовлю по новому рецепту: без грамма мяса, а получается вкусно. Всё благодаря правильной добавке

These cutlets can be combined with salad leaves, cucumber and tomato. It is a healthy substitute for regular cutlets.

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