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Lazy breakfast in 15 minutes. Cooking for my husband and children: tasty and simple

One of the most common breakfast dishes is scrambled eggs. We can see it all the time in movies and TV series. As a rule, the characters cook a typical glazed egg without frills. However, in reality, constantly eating the same scrambled eggs is quite difficult.

Now it will be easy to diversify this dish. It is enough to add vegetables, meat, sausage and cheese to the eggs. So the eggs will turn out more nourishing and tasty. There are more than 5000 recipes of scrambled eggs in the world. Each country has its own traditional recipe for breakfast with eggs.

Let’s tell you how to make an unusual breakfast of scrambled eggs.

Ingredients for scrambled eggs:

  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • Tortilla – pcs;
  • Cheese – 20 g;
  • Boiled sausage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Butter – 10 g.

Preparation of scrambled eggs:

In a bowl, whisk eggs with salt, add ground black pepper to taste. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet, pour an even layer of egg mixture on the surface. Let the eggs in the frying pan “grab”.

Ленивый завтрак за 15 минут. Готовлю для мужа и детей: вкусно и просто

Grate cheese on a fine grater, cut thin circles of tomato and cooked sausage. Put a tortilla on the eggs and cover with a lid.

Ленивый завтрак за 15 минут. Готовлю для мужа и детей: вкусно и просто

With the help of the lid, turn the egg pancake with the tortilla so that the tortilla lies on the bottom of the pan.

On the layer of egg pancake, or rather on ½ of it, pour grated cheese, put sausage and tomato circles.

Ленивый завтрак за 15 минут. Готовлю для мужа и детей: вкусно и просто

Ленивый завтрак за 15 минут. Готовлю для мужа и детей: вкусно и просто

Cover the filling with the second part of the tortilla and egg pancake.

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Grease the tortilla with butter, turn it over to the other side. Similarly butter the fried side of the egg pancake.

Ленивый завтрак за 15 минут. Готовлю для мужа и детей: вкусно и просто

As a result, we have a hearty breakfast for two. Such scrambled eggs are caloric, but at the same time it will not leave you hungry at lunchtime.

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