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Take minced meat and semolina. This is how my Mother used to make cutlets: I have never tasted better in my life

What people know about cutlets now is that it is a tasty and hearty meat dish. In principle, cutlets have been such a dish for more than 300 years. The

meat dish became known thanks to France. However, there cutlets were not chopped into small pieces. They fried a piece of ribs, necessarily left a bone. Thanks to the bone, cutlets could be eaten without cutlery.

In the modern world, cutlets have changed. This is the merit of our cooks.

We will tell you how to cook deliciously classic Soviet cutlets.

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • Stuffing – 600 g;
  • semolina – 4 tbsp;
  • Onions – 2 pcs;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Paprika – ⅓ tsp;
  • Coriander – ¼ tsp;
  • Black pepper – a pinch;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.

Preparation of cutlets:

Combine minced meat with semolina, mix and leave to swell. At this time, coarsely chop onions, mix with eggs, salt, paprika, coriander and ground black pepper.

Beat onions and eggs with an immersion blender to form a homogeneous mass. Combine the onion mass with the minced meat, mix the components.

Возьмите фарш и манку. Так котлеты готовила моя Матушка: вкуснее в жизни не пробовала

Soak your hands in water and form small cutlets.

Возьмите фарш и манку. Так котлеты готовила моя Матушка: вкуснее в жизни не пробовала

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the cutlets on medium heat on both sides.

Возьмите фарш и манку. Так котлеты готовила моя Матушка: вкуснее в жизни не пробовала

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin circles. Grease the frying pan with vegetable oil, overlap the potato circles over the whole surface, put the

cutlets on the potato layer, pour 50 ml of water, salt to taste. Cover the cutlets with a lid and stew on low heat until ready.

Возьмите фарш и манку. Так котлеты готовила моя Матушка: вкуснее в жизни не пробовала

For a beautiful serving the cutlets can be sprinkled with dill.

ALSO READ:  Simple products: onions, potatoes, 1 egg, oatmeal. Delicious and quick dinner for the whole family

Возьмите фарш и манку. Так котлеты готовила моя Матушка: вкуснее в жизни не пробовала

This is a good recipe, where both side dish and main course are prepared at once

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