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Just tomatoes and peppers. Delicious Adzhika for winter: this is how my grandmother used to make it

Adzhika is considered to be the main seasoning of the Abkhazian table. Initially, this spicy paste is translated as salt. However, if you delve into the Abkhazian vocabulary, you will realize that Adzhika is pepper salt. This seasoning is called so by locals because of the ingredients that make up Adzhika.

Classic spicy paste is made of salt, spices, spices and crushed pepper. Now cooks are trying to modify Adzhika. But, the most delicious is still the traditional Abkhazian paste.

Ingredients for Adzhika:

  • tomatoes – 1600 g;
  • sweet pepper – 500 g;
  • chili pepper – 150 g;
  • garlic – 160 g;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp;
  • 9% vinegar – ½ tbsp. l;
  • pickle seasoning – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of Adzhika:

Divide each tomato into two parts, rub on a coarse grater in an iron basin.

On high heat bring the tomato paste to a boil, and then cook on low heat.

Remove the husks from the garlic cloves, peel the skin off the sweet pepper


Remove the insides of the sweet pepper and cut randomly


Add the sweet pepper pieces to the tomato paste and cook together.

Remove the skin from the chili peppers, chop randomly and remove the seeds. Add

the chili


to the tomato mixture one at a time every 5 minutes.

Taste the tomato mixture for spiciness. If the Ajika is spicy enough for you, you should not add any more chili peppers. Also salt the tomato mixture to taste.

Pour granulated sugar into the Ajika and stir. Add vinegar to the tomato mixture, mix. In a separate bowl, press the garlic cloves through the press.

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Seasoning for pickles slightly kneaded in the hub, pour into the tomato mixture. As soon as the water has evaporated from the tomato mixture, remove from the heat and at low speed with a blender crush the pepper pieces in the Adzhika.

Просто помидоры и перец. Вкусная Аджика на зиму: так готовила моя бабушка

Add the garlic puree to the Adzhika and continue to cook for a couple minutes over medium heat.

Просто помидоры и перец. Вкусная Аджика на зиму: так готовила моя бабушка

Transfer Adzhika into pre-sterilized jars, close tightly with lids.

Просто помидоры и перец. Вкусная Аджика на зиму: так готовила моя бабушка

This Adzhika is great for different dishes, as well as for use with bread. Unlike store-bought, homemade Adzhika is spicy and moderately spicy.

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