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I take a little kefir and 1 egg. Hearty pies for my husband: he eats 10 of them and doesn’t gain weight

Potato pies have become one of the most affordable dishes in our country. Although many people admit that they love pies with meat, there is not always enough money for this filling. Therefore, budget and hearty meal remain pies with potatoes.

And pies with potato filling have always been a budget option. In the XIX century, this pastry was cooked in peasant families, and in the XX century made by the wives of workers in hard times.

Now pies with potatoes are a classic, which can not be refused. Let’s tell you how to cook delicious pies with potatoes.

Ingredients of the dough for pies with potatoes:

  • Kefir – 400 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • Flour – 600 g;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.

Pie filling ingredients:

  • Potatoes – 600 g;
  • Butter – 30 g;
  • Ground meat – 300 g;
  • Onion – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of pies with potatoes:

In a bowl with kefir break an egg, pour salt and granulated sugar, mix thoroughly until the grains of sand dissolve. Pour vegetable oil into the kefir, mix again.

Combine flour and baking powder, sift into the kefir in batches, knead elastic soft dough. Leave the dough under cellophane for 20 minutes.

To prepare the filling boil potatoes until ready, peel and mashed potato. Add butter to the mashed potatoes, salt and mix.

Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

Grind onions in a meat grinder, add to the minced potatoes with salt, mix the components. Form small balls of minced meat. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry balls of meat on all sides.

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Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

Make larger balls of mashed potatoes than meat balls. Put the meat balls into the potato balls and seal the minced meat inside the mashed potatoes.

Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

From the dough make 14 identical lumps, which we roll out into round, not particularly thin tortillas. Put a ball of mashed potatoes and mincemeat into each of the flat cakes and seal them inside the dough as if in a pouch.

Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

Flatten the patties slightly. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan again and place the patties in it.

Fry the patties in the oil until golden on both sides.

Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

Беру немного кефира и 1 яйцо. Сытные пирожки для мужа: съедает по 10 штук и не поправляется

You can make pies without mincemeat, if you don’t have it at home. Then the pies will turn out to be classic potato pies, less hearty.

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