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Mixing cottage cheese and kefir. Delicious cottage cheese scones for breakfast: recipe in 5 minutes

Quite a lot of information is known about the preparation of flatbread. For example, we know that the founder of the culture of cooking this dish is the peoples of Central Asia. As a rule, it is the peoples of this continent tried to create as many dishes from flatbread as possible. Thus we got lavash and other dishes made of meat and vegetables.

At the same time, the quality of flatbread is of great importance in cooking. This flour product has always been honored. Therefore, its preparation was treated reverently.

It is worth giving a recipe for cooking flatbread on kefir,

Ingredients for flatbread on kefir:

  • Tvorog – 350 g;
  • Kefir – 350 ml;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – 0,5 tsp;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Green onions – 70 g;
  • Flour – 300 g.

Preparation of flatbread on kefir:

In a bowl with cottage cheese pour kefir, pour salt and baking soda, mix thoroughly. Pour vegetable oil into the mixture of kefir and cottage cheese, continue mixing.

Chop green onions into small pieces, put them into the mixture of kefir and cottage cheese, mix. Sift flour into the mixture, knead the dough.

Put a couple of spoonfuls of dough in a pan with vegetable oil, spread an even layer on the surface.

Смешиваю творог и кефир. Вкусные творожные лепешки на завтрак: рецепт за 5 минут

Fry the tortillas on both sides under a lid until golden.

Смешиваю творог и кефир. Вкусные творожные лепешки на завтрак: рецепт за 5 минут

You can also fry the tortillas on a dry frying pan, then they will get a golden color faster. It is worth brushing the tortillas with melted butter after cooking.