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I don’t fry cutlets anymore. My Siberian great-grandfather taught me the recipe: I treated my neighbors, and the whole entryway went out for mincemeat

In today’s world, cutlets are part of a person’s daily diet. As a rule, at least once a week a person eats a cutlet. It is not necessarily a homemade

cutlet. Often we eat store-bought cutlets or eat them in fast food.

However, the most desirable are still homemade cutlets


We can eat them and not be afraid for our health. They are prepared from proven products with skillful hands.

About how to make cutlets tastier and juicier it is worth telling in detail.

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • Stuffing – kg;
  • Bread – 100 g;
  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Onion – pcs;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Butter – 20 g;
  • Cilantro – a bundle;
  • Mustard – tbsp;
  • Black pepper – a pinch;
  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – tbsp.

Preparation of cutlets:

Break eggs into a bowl with minced meat.

Cut onions


small cubes, fry in a frying pan with melted butter until golden.

Chop garlic cloves

with a

knife, put them to the onions


Chop cilantro, put it to the onions, add black pepper and mustard. Put the fried onions to the minced meat, salt and mix thoroughly.

Котлеты больше не жарю. Прадед-сибиряк научил рецепту: угостил соседей, весь подъезд отправился за фаршем

Soak bread slices in milk, squeeze them out and put them into the mince. Again mix the components, beat.

Котлеты больше не жарю. Прадед-сибиряк научил рецепту: угостил соседей, весь подъезд отправился за фаршем

Cover the baking mold with parchment, wet your hands in water. Form large cutlets from the minced meat, place on a baking tray.

Grease the cutlets with melted butter.

Котлеты больше не жарю. Прадед-сибиряк научил рецепту: угостил соседей, весь подъезд отправился за фаршем

Bake the meat product in the oven at 190 degrees for 33 minutes.

Котлеты больше не жарю. Прадед-сибиряк научил рецепту: угостил соседей, весь подъезд отправился за фаршем

A salad of red cabbage, cucumber, carrots and onions goes well with the cutlets.

These cutlets are healthier than fried in vegetable oil.

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Котлеты больше не жарю. Прадед-сибиряк научил рецепту: угостил соседей, весь подъезд отправился за фаршем

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