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I take 2 zucchini and some minced meat. I don’t make regular draini anymore: in season, only this recipe is used

Draniki is a famous Belarusian dish. As a rule, when traveling in this country, tourists often ask for a dish with traditional draaniki in restaurants. It

is not possible to believe that draaniki is an ancient dish of Belarusian cuisine. Potatoes, the main component of draniki, appeared in the country only during the reign of Peter the Great. But, even after potatoes began to grow in the state, they were not used for a long time as food.

Therefore, draaniki appeared in the cookbooks of the future Belarus only in the XIX century.

Let’s learn to cook draaniki not only from potatoes, but also from zucchini


Ingredients for zucchini draniki:

  • Zucchini – 2 pcs;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • Carrots – pcs;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Flour – 5 tbsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Stuffing – 300 g;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Parsley – a bundle.

Preparation of zucchini pancakes:

Remove the stalks from zucchini, chop on large grater teeth. Salt the zucchini mass, mix and leave it for 10 minutes.

Peel potatoes from the peel and grind on a coarse grater. Squeeze the potatoes and zucchini from the juice. Grate finely peeled carrots, put them in a bowl to the zucchini and potato mass.

Break eggs, salt and mix thoroughly into the vegetable mixture.

Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

Pour the flour into the mixture and knead the dough for pancakes.

Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

To the minced meat skip a couple of garlic cloves and pre-shredded parsley. To the meat it is also worth adding your favorite spices and salt to taste.

Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

In a frying pan with hot vegetable oil, we lay out with a tablespoon small tortillas of dough. Form small cutlets of minced meat with your hands, place on each flatbread.

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Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

Put the dough on top of the minced meat and seal the stuffing inside. Fry the pancakes on each side for 5-7 minutes on medium heat under a lid.

Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

You can also make pancakes without meat, then we just put the dough on the frying pan and fry until brown.

Беру 2 кабачка и немного фарша. Обычные драники больше не готовлю: в сезон только по этому рецепту

You get appetizing pancakes with zucchini in the composition.

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