Originally, watermelons cannot be called a sweet sugar berry. 5000 years ago, there were only wild watermelons, which were almost unusable. However, resourceful people decided that watermelons could be cultivated, and
centuries of breeding resulted in juicy, huge berries with red, sweet flesh. Probably for the first time sweet watermelon was obtained in Africa.
Now you can make a lot of sweets from watermelons. For example, watermelon jam.
Ingredients for watermelon jam:
- watermelon rinds;
- flour – 4 tbsp;
- lemon zest;
- lemon juice – one tbsp;
- sugar – 100 g;
- water – 1.5 liters;
- cloves – 2 pcs.
Preparation of watermelon jam:
With watermelon rinds remove the rest of the pulp, cut the pulp into small pieces. Transfer the pulp into a saucepan, add a spoonful of lemon juice and zest
. Pour 100 grams of sugar to the pulp, mix the components. Cook on low heat pulp under a lid until juice is formed. Next, pour 1.5 liters of water into the mixture, waiting for boiling. Cook the watermelon mass for half an hour, and then stir the components.
Cook the mixture for 25 minutes on medium heat under a lid. Whip the mass with an immersion blender until homogeneous. Add cloves to the mass, cook under a lid until boiling.
Remove the cloves from the watermelon puree, transfer to jars.
As a result, you get an interesting unusual jam from watermelon rinds. Do not throw away the rinds, if you ate the watermelon.