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I cook quickly and without kneading the dough. Currant and cottage cheese pie: budget-friendly and delicious recipe

Curd is considered one of the most useful fermented dairy products. The fact is that cottage cheese contains a large concentration of choline. This substance is able to improve the concentration of attention. Choline has an excellent effect on the function of attention in the brain.

For this reason, you should not remove cottage cheese from your daily diet. However, it is not necessary to consume cottage cheese monotonously.

Otherwise, soon the body will get an aversion to the product.

Let’s tell you how to make a light cake from cottage cheese.

Ingredients for berry pie:

  • Lavash – 2 sheets;
  • Curd – 400 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Sugar – 80 g;
  • Salt – a pinch;
  • Currants – 200 g.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Sugar – 50 g;
  • Sour cream – 150 g.

Preparation of berry pie:

In a bowl with cottage cheese, break eggs, pour sugar and salt, thoroughly mix the components until homogeneous. Cut the pita into small rectangles 17×27 cm.

Put the curd filling on each pita, spread it on the surface. Do not smear

the curd on the

edges of the pita.

Pour currants on the curd layer and roll each pita into a roll.

Готовлю быстро и без замеса теста. Пирог со смородиной и творогом: бюджетный и вкусный рецепт

Готовлю быстро и без замеса теста. Пирог со смородиной и творогом: бюджетный и вкусный рецепт

For the filling, in a separate bowl combine eggs with sugar and sour cream


Beat the components with a whisk until homogeneous, and then pour the filling over the rolls.

Готовлю быстро и без замеса теста. Пирог со смородиной и творогом: бюджетный и вкусный рецепт

Bake the pie is required in the oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Готовлю быстро и без замеса теста. Пирог со смородиной и творогом: бюджетный и вкусный рецепт

Instead of currants for this recipe, you can use other berries. You get a quick pie, which does not require kneading the dough.

ALSO READ:  Apple pie without pastry. From simple, affordable ingredients - a wonderful cake

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