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No oven needed: a quick dinner. Meatloaf in 15 minutes in parchment in a frying pan

Originally, meatloaf existed back in ancient Rome. There, this dish was prepared from beef or chicken meat, without any spices. Therefore, the variations of this dish in ancient times were not distinguished by diversity.

Only centuries later, the Germans were able to modernize meatloaf. They began to experiment with meat, creating different products.

To date, meatloaf differs from other meat products with its piquant flavor


We will tell you how to cook meatloaf.


  • Meat or chicken mince – 500-600 g;
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs;
  • Mozzarella cheese – 90 g. (can be replaced by any);
  • Spices – to taste;
  • Tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp (optional).


Grate potatoes on a coarse grater. To the potato mass add minced meat and spices. The meat mass should be kneaded so that the ingredients are evenly distributed among themselves.

И духовка не нужна: ужин на скорую руку. Мясной рулет за 15 минут в пергаменте на сковороде

Divide the whole mass into three parts.

On the parchment prepared in advance (size 20×30 cm) lay out ⅓ of the minced meat, forming a thick rectangular layer.

The surface is smeared with tomato paste and a block of cheese is placed in the middle.

И духовка не нужна: ужин на скорую руку. Мясной рулет за 15 минут в пергаменте на сковороде

Wrap the stuffing into a roll and fasten the edges of the parchment.

И духовка не нужна: ужин на скорую руку. Мясной рулет за 15 минут в пергаменте на сковороде

Similarly work with the remaining two parts of the stuffing.

Next, rolls should be laid out on a dry heated frying pan with the seam down. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid.

И духовка не нужна: ужин на скорую руку. Мясной рулет за 15 минут в пергаменте на сковороде

Roast the roll on medium heat for another 8 minutes. Then turn to the other side and cook for another 8 minutes.

И духовка не нужна: ужин на скорую руку. Мясной рулет за 15 минут в пергаменте на сковороде

This dish is combined with mustard, Germans recommend serving the dish with this sauce. However, it is quite possible to experiment and try other additives.

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