To get a delicious salad, it is of great importance what you dress it with. The fact is that mayonnaise is not always a great dressing for certain dishes. Many people are accustomed to constantly eating salads with store-bought mayonnaise.
Therefore, other dressings seem strange and tasteless to them.
However, the right salad dressing is able to give the dish a special flavor, fall in love with itself. It is worth abandoning store-bought mayonnaise in favor of dressings from natural components. We will tell you how to make excellent salad dressing.
Ingredients for salad dressing:
- sesame seeds – 2 tsp;
- pine nuts – a tbsp;
- vinegar 6% – tsp;
- olive oil – 3 tbsp;
- water – 2 tbsp;
- bryndza – 25 g;
- mustard – ⅓ tsp;
- salt – a pinch.
Preparation of salad dressing:
In the bowl of a blender you need to combine pine nuts and sesame seeds, pour 6% vinegar, water and unrefined olive oil. In the resulting mixture you need to finely chop bryndza and put it in the bowl of the blender.
It remains to add salt and mustard to the ingredients, whisk to a homogeneous white mass. If desired, salt can be left out when using cheese.
It turns out excellent dressing for any vegetable salads.
Nuts in this recipe can be replaced with hazelnuts, almonds or cashews, then the flavor of the sauce will also change.