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No-bake banana cake: everyone loves it. No fiddling with crusts and dough

Bananas are now a familiar fruit for people even from northern countries. They are sold all year round in stores. Basically, this fruit is consumed separately, as it is impossible to combine it in main dishes and salads. You can only create sweet viands, for example, fruit salad, smoothies.

However, banana can not be called a useless fruit. Many different candies, syrups and creams are created from it. This useful fruit is necessary for the body. It produces dopamine, which is important for the proper functioning of the brain. It

is worth making a banana cake to understand how bananas can be additionally used in cooking.

Ingredients for banana cake:

  • bananas – 3 pcs;
  • cookies – 200 g;
  • condensed milk – 200 ml;
  • sour cream – 300 g;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • chocolate – 30 g.

Preparation of banana cake:

Gelatin should be mixed with water and left for 10 minutes. At this time you need to chop the cookies into small pieces with your hands. Bananas are peeled and cut into thin plates.

Mix cookies and bananas in one bowl. Combine sour cream and condensed milk in a separate bowl.

Pour gelatin into the mixture of sour cream and condensed milk and mix well. Add the mixture to the cookies with bananas, also mix the components thoroughly.

Банановый торт без выпечки: нравится абсолютно всем. Без заморочек с коржами и тестом

Cover the baking mold (diameter 18 cm) with food film, lay out on the surface of the total mixture of bananas, sour cream mass and cookies, leveling.

Cover the top with film and send to the refrigerator until completely set.

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Банановый торт без выпечки: нравится абсолютно всем. Без заморочек с коржами и тестом

At this time you need to grate chocolate on a fine grater. After hardening, remove the cake from the mold, cover the top and sides with chocolate chips.

Банановый торт без выпечки: нравится абсолютно всем. Без заморочек с коржами и тестом

This cake is prepared without baking the crusts and whipping the cream. You can use crackers or waffles as cookies.

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