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This is how Doktorskaya was made only in the USSR. Recipe from my mom’s notebook

Many people say that “Doktorskaya” sausage from the Soviet Union was the most delicious. The sausage that is created now at meat processing plants is completely different from the “Doktorskaya” sausage of the USSR. The

secret of the right sausage should be sought in the GOSTs of the past. However, sticking only to the rules from the cookbook is not worth it. It is necessary to independently supplement the recipe to achieve a delicious sausage.

An important step in the preparation of homemade sausage is the seasoning of meat. It is not necessary to start cooking the product immediately after purchase. It is necessary to keep chicken meat for a couple of days, and pork or beef – 3-5 days in glass containers at a temperature of 13 degrees C.

After that, you can start cooking homemade “Doctor” sausage.

Ingredients for “Doktorskaya” sausage:

  • pork – 700 g;
  • nutmeg – ¼ tsp;
  • beef – 300 g;
  • nitrite salt – 10 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • salt – 13 g;
  • milk – 400 g.

Preparation of “Doktorskaya” sausage:

Pork and beef should be cut into small pieces and chopped in a meat grinder. In the minced meat pour nitrite and classical salt, as well as nutmeg, mix the components.

Так "Докторскую" готовили только в СССР. Рецепт из маминой тетрадки

Break an egg into the minced meat, pour cold milk and mix with a mixer until homogeneous. If you do not have a mixer, you can knead the mince with your hands.

Так "Докторскую" готовили только в СССР. Рецепт из маминой тетрадки

Divide the mince into two equal parts, wrap in layers of food film. From the resulting sausages you need to remove air bubbles.

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Так "Докторскую" готовили только в СССР. Рецепт из маминой тетрадки

The sausage should turn out dense, tie the ends of the film tightly. In a saucepan, heat water to 80 degrees, lower the sausage into it and press down from above. It is necessary that the whole sausage is immersed in water.

Heat the oven to 75-80 degrees, send the pan inside. Bake the sausage in this way for a couple hours. If you prepare sausages, then they need to be baked for 40 minutes, and wieners – 60 minutes.

After cooking, sharply lower the hot sausage into cold water, cool down for half an hour.

Так "Докторскую" готовили только в СССР. Рецепт из маминой тетрадки

This homemade sausage is stored for about 5 days. It is a great substitute for bought semi-finished products.

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