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Pies on kefir. Grandma’s recipe: easy to prepare

Cooking pies began in antiquity. At the same time, this culinary tradition throughout the history of mankind has not lost its relevance.

At first, people made pies with meat.

It is not clear exactly when people began to


meat together with baked


Nowadays we cook pies much less often than 100 years ago. There are many factors of modernity.

Let’s allocate a little time and make homemade pies on kefir.

Ingredients for kefir pies:

  • kefir – 200 g;
  • flour – 800 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • baking soda – tsp;
  • salt – tsp.

Cooking pies on kefir:

In a bowl with kefir you need to pour sugar and salt, add an egg and pour vegetable oil. After mixing the components, pour in the kefir

soda. After the soda is extinguished in the kefir, gradually sift flour into it. Knead the dough with a spoon, and then with your hands, form a slightly sticky and soft colobok.

Leave the dough in the heat for half an hour under a film or a lid


Then place the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and

form 15 dough



Turn some of the rolls into thick tortillas with your hands and place them on a parchment-lined baking tray. Add frozen berries in starch to the tortillas, seal them inside the dough.

Bake 6-7 pies with berries in the oven at 170 degrees for 15 minutes. It is not necessary to preheat the oven in advance so that the dough can rise.

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Roll the second part of the patties into flatbreads too. Put in the dough fried minced meat or mashed potatoes, boiled and chopped eggs. Seal the filling in the dough, press the patties slightly.

Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan, place the patties on the bottom. Fry the patties on both sides until browned.

Пирожки на кефире. Бабушкин рецепт: готовить проще простого

This dough on kefir is suitable for cooking baked goods in the oven, and for frying. You get puffy and flavorful homemade pies.

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