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A pâté helper for pennies: no autoclave or oven. Makes every housewife’s life easier

People have always had an ambiguous attitude towards pâtés. From early childhood, we are taught to eat various pates. As a rule, they are produced by baby food companies.

However, there are pates for adults, which are considered less safe for digestion. There are a lot of coloring agents, flavorings and preservatives in purchased pates. Such additives can harm a person, for example, cause an allergic reaction.

Avoid health problems can be avoided if you do not consume pates in food. But, what to do fans of this dish?

We advise you to try to prepare your own pate without using the oven and autoclave.

Ingredients for pate:

  • thin lard with skin – 2 kg;
  • ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • meat – 500 g;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • onion – 400 g;
  • salt – tsp;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • vegetable spices – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Preparation of pâté:

Cut small pieces of lard, meat, onion and carrots. Pass the chopped products through a meat grinder, add to the total mass of crushed garlic cloves

. Add to the mass of spices, salt and ground black pepper, mix thoroughly by hand.

Паштет-помощник за копейки: без автоклава и духовки. Облегчит жизнь каждой хозяйке

To understand whether the dish suits your taste, we form a small flattened cutlet from the mass. Fry it on a hot frying pan.

If the taste suits you, transfer the pate into glass jars and tightly close the lids.

Паштет-помощник за копейки: без автоклава и духовки. Облегчит жизнь каждой хозяйке

Move the jars into a large saucepan. At the bottom, be sure to put a towel

. Fill the pot with hot water to the top. Put the container on maximum heat, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Then you need to reduce the fire, and cook the pate for about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

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Паштет-помощник за копейки: без автоклава и духовки. Облегчит жизнь каждой хозяйке

We take the jars out of the water, put them on the table with the lids down.

Паштет-помощник за копейки: без автоклава и духовки. Облегчит жизнь каждой хозяйке

After the jars cool down completely, the pâté can be considered ready. This dish you will keep in the refrigerator all winter and there will always be a tasty appetizer in the house.

Паштет-помощник за копейки: без автоклава и духовки. Облегчит жизнь каждой хозяйке

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