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Egg cutlets for breakfast. Cooking according to recipes from old Soviet magazines

Often we notice in cookbooks a lot of interpretations of previously simple and well-known dishes. A similar trend in modern times has been adopted by popular bloggers whose content is related to cooking.

However, the concept of improving ancient recipes is not new. Such rethinking was undertaken by Soviet cooks. For example, in a recipe book from 1983, you can find an algorithm for cooking egg cutlets. Delving into the recipe in more detail, we realize that we are dealing with ordinary potato zrazas. A

new vision of the famous village dishes helps us to reveal the basics of culinary art. Let’s prepare egg cutlets with potatoes, similar to zrazy.

Ingredients for egg cutlets:

  • potatoes – 4 pcs;
  • breadcrumbs – 100 g;
  • eggs – 6 pcs;
  • green onion – bundle;
  • butter – 50 g.

Preparation of egg cutlets:

Boil to full readiness 5 eggs and peeled potatoes. At this time, chop as finely as possible green onions, hard-boiled eggs, peeled and cut into small cubes.

To the chopped eggs add green onions, salt to taste. Boiled potatoes should be turned into mashed potatoes, add egg and butter to the mass, mix thoroughly.

To the mashed potatoes you need to put the egg mixture, re-mix the components. From the resulting mass form small cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs.

Яичные котлеты для завтрака. Готовим по рецептам из старых советских журналов

In a frying pan with plenty of vegetable oil you need to fry the cutlets well on both sides until browned.

Яичные котлеты для завтрака. Готовим по рецептам из старых советских журналов

It is recommended to serve egg cutlets with sour cream or zucchini caviar. The cutlets will also be deliciously combined with mushroom sauce and a simple salad of greens.

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