In modern cooking, there are many different recipes for salads.
Of course, in ancient times people chopped various herbs and dressed them with salt and oil, but it was nothing special for cooks
. Fish, meat and vegetables were served whole, there was no point in chopping
Whatever the owners didn’t finish was eaten by the servants, and after them by slaves or animals. Only when food became more expensive did wealthy families think about using leftovers. Cooks began slicing them and dressing them with sauce. As a result, slices appeared on the tables as an independent dish. Today we want to offer a recipe for one simple and delicious salad.
- 200 gr fillet;
- Onion;
- Fresh cucumber;
- Pickled cucumber;
- 3 eggs;
- 20 gr parsley;
- 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
- Black pepper;
- 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Break one chicken egg into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. Stir with a fork.
Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and send the egg mixture to it to cook. Fry on both sides.
Do this with all three eggs. In total, we have three even layers. Roll them into a roll for easier slicing. We get thin strips, which we send to the salad bowl.
Cut the onion into half-rings and send it to a greased frying pan with vegetable oil. We fry until golden color.
Boil the brisket and divide it into small pieces with our hands. Combine all the prepared ingredients together.
Chop parsley and add to the salad. One fresh cucumber cut lengthwise, then make a straw out of it.
We will also need a pickle, cut it in the same way as a fresh cucumber. Send the vegetables to the salad bowl and add half a teaspoon of salt. Pour in a small amount of black pepper.
Stir and dress with three tablespoons of mayonnaise.
The salad is ready, it looks very appetizing. Be sure to try to prepare the dish according to this recipe. We wish everyone a pleasant appetite.