Even in the days of the Iron Curtain, various recipes for these or those dishes penetrated our country. However, some dishes were still ignored in our country. About nuggets, for example, the inhabitants of our homeland learned only in 1990
, although nuggets were invented in 1850, during the gold rush in America. Perhaps the long process of appearance of this product in our market is due to the fact that there were many no less bright and tasty analogs. Therefore, chicken fillet in batter did not seem to the inhabitants of our state something unremarkable.
Only with the emergence of popular fast food restaurants and the introduction of the brand in advertising campaigns, people became more interested in nuggets. We will tell you how to cook delicious chicken meat in batter.
Ingredients for nuggets:
- sour cream – 100 g;
- egg – pcs;
- mustard – tsp;
- garlic – 3 cloves;
- paprika – tsp;
- coriander – tsp;
- chicken breast – 800 g;
- soy sauce – 2 tablespoons;
- flour – 4 tbsp.
Preparation of nuggets:
In a bowl with sour cream, add egg, mustard, paprika and coriander. Pass garlic cloves through the press, integrate them into the sour cream mass and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
Cut the chicken breast into small layers no more than cm thick
The pieces should be 5×5 cm in size. Combine the chicken pieces with the sour cream sauce, mix and marinate under a lid in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
After the marinating process, pour soy sauce over the meat, pour flour into the mixture, mix the products together.
In a skillet with hot oil, fry the nuggets on medium heat until browned on both sides.
The result is homemade nuggets.
Instead of flour for this recipe, you can use cornstarch or potato starch.