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Hot quick-eating sandwiches. Simple and budget-friendly

Potatoes have been in our cuisine for so long that it seems as if they have been with us forever. However, the history of potatoes in Europe begins relatively recently. This vegetable was brought to the continent by Columbus, who found it in the Americas.

Since then, potatoes have been gaining a place in the food market for a long time. The vegetable was not always in demand, since it had a number of features. For example, not all Europeans knew how to cook potatoes properly. There were people who were poisoned by potato flowers.

But still, interest in this vegetable did not fade, but only flared up. Therefore, after a certain period of time, various dishes began to be made from potatoes.

Now we can even create sandwiches from potatoes


What kind of sandwiches can be made, we will tell you in detail.

Ingredients for potato sandwiches:

  • loaf – 6 slices;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • onion – pcs.;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • egg – pcs.

Preparation of potato sandwiches:

Potatoes and onions should be peeled, grate both vegetables on small grater teeth. This mass should be salted, left for 5 minutes so that the potatoes gave juice.

Liquid from the vegetables must be drained, add egg and mix thoroughly


Put the potato mass on slices of bread.

Горячие бутерброды быстрого поедания. Просто и бюджетно

In a skillet in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the stuffing to the bottom.

Горячие бутерброды быстрого поедания. Просто и бюджетно

Fry the sandwiches until golden crust. Do not forget to bring to a ruddy state also crumbs.

Горячие бутерброды быстрого поедания. Просто и бюджетно

This is a great economical option for breakfast sandwiches. You can additionally add various spices and herbs to the mixture.

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