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Dream Pie. Homemade classic pie with apricots and cream

Apricot pies are noticeably inferior in popularity to berry or apple pies. However, this does not mean that they are less delicious. Different countries prepare their own varieties of apricot pies.

For example, in France, apricot pies are usually made of puff pastry and called “tarte aux abricots”. Sugar, vanilla extract and a little starch are added to the filling to prevent it from spreading. The finished pie is decorated with almond petals.

In Turkey, apricot pies are made of yeast dough. The filling is made of fresh apricots, sugar and cinnamon. The pie is baked in a special oven – tandoor.

Let’s tell you how to prepare a homemade classic pie with apricots and cream

Ingredients for the dough:

  • egg – pcs;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 8 g;
  • butter – 5 tbsp;
  • leavening agent – 8 g;
  • flour – 250 g.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • egg – pcs;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 8 g;
  • cornstarch – 3 tbsp;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • apricots.

Ingredients for the creamy crumble:

  • flour – 60 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • butter – 20 g.

Preparation of apricot pie:

For the dough, break an egg into a bowl, pour vanilla and classic sugar to it, beat with a whisk until the grains of sand dissolve.


the soft butter into the sugar mixture and stir.

Pour the baking powder and flour into the mixture in batches and knead the dough. Add the rest of the flour to the dough, continue to knead the dough until elastic.

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Place the dough in a mold, greased in advance with vegetable oil. Spread the dough evenly over the sides and bottom of the mold.

For the cream, mix in a saucepan the egg with regular and vanilla sugar, cornstarch. Pour milk into the mixture, cook over medium heat until thickened, remember to stir constantly. Pour

butter into the cream mixture, mix. Spread the cream into the mold with dough. Remove the pips from the apricots, divide them into halves

. Put all halves flat side down into the cream.

For the cream crumble, mix sugar and flour, then add butter, rub it with your hands until crumbly


Пирог Мечты. Домашний классический пирог с абрикосами и кремом

Sprinkle the pie with this crumb evenly. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Пирог Мечты. Домашний классический пирог с абрикосами и кремом

After cooking sprinkle the pie with powdered sugar. You get a flavorful delicious apricot pie with cream.

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