Belarusian salad with potatoes is a traditional dish of Belarusian cuisine, which is characterized by simplicity, but at the same time has a rich taste and flavor. Potatoes in this salad act not only as the main ingredient, but also as a base on which other components are harmoniously combined.
Culinary traditions of Belarus are rich in diversity, and potatoes occupy an important place in them. This root vegetable is widely used in various dishes – from side dishes to the main course.
Belarusian salad, as a rule, is prepared from boiled or baked potatoes, which are cut into cubes or slices.
Let’s tell you more about the preparation of Belarusian salad.
- eggs – 3 pcs;
- potatoes – 500 g;
- green onion – a bundle;
- dill – a bunch;
- mayonnaise – 3 tbsp;
- salt – tsp.
Preparation of Belarusian salad:
Boil to readiness eggs and potatoes in pre-salted water, peel the outer shell.
coarsely enough boiled eggs and potatoes, mix in one bowl. Chop
finely green onions and dill, add to the salad. Dress the salad with mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix.
The result is a very simple but tasty salad of potatoes and eggs. It will go well with salted, smoked fish or meat.