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I’ll take a can of sprats and a pita. Recipe for a snack and for a festive table: live and learn forever

An appetizer of sprats in pita bread is a tender, appetizing and very easy to prepare dish that has quickly become popular among appetizer lovers. It is not only delicious, but also an original alternative to traditional sandwiches.

Sprats, noticeably distinguished by their characteristic flavor, are the main component of this snack


Their rich flavor is organically complemented by soft, neutral pita, which becomes an ideal base for this dish.

Preparation of the appetizer does not require a lot of time and complicated kitchen manipulations, which makes it a great choice for unexpected guests or a party.


  • sprats – 360 g;
  • pita bread – 2 sheets
  • processed cheese – 180 g;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – ⅓ tsp;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cucumber – 1 pc;
  • dill – a bunch.

Preparation of an appetizer of sprats in pita:

Remove the tails from the sprats, melted cheese rubbed on a fine grater. We grate boiled eggs as finely as cheese, mix them.

To the cheese


egg mixture we put mayonnaise, salt, black pepper to taste, press garlic cloves and mix. We smear

the surface of each pita with this egg and cheese mixture.

We cut very thin longitudinal plates of cucumber and put these plates on the pita covered with egg and cheese


Беру банку шпротов и лаваш. Рецепт на перекус и на праздничный стол: век живи- век учись

Chop dill and sprinkle it on the top of the pita, put sprats there too.

Беру банку шпротов и лаваш. Рецепт на перекус и на праздничный стол: век живи- век учись

Grease the ends of each pita with mayonnaise and roll the sheets with stuffing inside.

Беру банку шпротов и лаваш. Рецепт на перекус и на праздничный стол: век живи- век учись

Seal the rolls in food film and put them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

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Беру банку шпротов и лаваш. Рецепт на перекус и на праздничный стол: век живи- век учись

It remains only to cut the roll into portioned pieces and serve to the table. It turns out to be an original and tasty dish for appetizers.

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