It is impossible to know exactly when pasta Bolognese was created. About this legendary Italian dish knows a lot of people. Even those who have never been fond of cooking have met Bolognese
. The fact is that this pasta is available in all Italian restaurants. The
dish became famous thanks to the sauce from the city of Bologna
Later, this sauce
used in many other dishes.
For example, Bolognese sauce
is used to
make flavorful and rich soups
We will tell you more about the recipe of one of the Bolognese soups.
Ingredients of Bolognese soup:
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. lbs;
- herbs – a bundle;
- butter – 20 g;
- cooked beans – 100 g;
- onion – pcs;
- potatoes – 5 pcs;
- carrots – pcs;
- tomato juice – 150 ml;
- minced meat – 300 g.
Preparation of Bolognese soup:
In a saucepan it is necessary to melt butter, mix it with vegetable oil. While the butter is warming in the pot, you need to chop carrots on large sharps of grater. Onions are cut into small cubes, together with carrots put in a saucepan.
To the onions and carrots add minced meat, fry on medium heat. Add tomato juice to the meat mixture, stir.
Peel potatoes and cut into small slices
Pour boiling water into the pot, add the cut potatoes.
While the potatoes are boiled in the soup, you need to chop greens – parsley and dill. To the almost ready soup put beans and greens, salt to taste.
After adding all the ingredients, we advise you to leave the soup to cook for a couple of minutes under the lid. During the cooking process, you can add bay leaf, allspice and other favorite spices.