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Eclairs without wheat flour and sugar. Delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family

The popularity of eclairs has not waned after millennia. This simple dessert has become a benchmark of French cuisine. The history of this dessert began in the XVI century, when the pastry chef of the Medici family created a custard

. However, it was impossible to serve just cream as a dessert, because the dish did not look presentable. Therefore, the confectioner hid the cream in a thin sweet pastry.

The first appearance of eclairs on the tables of the nobility created a furor. All the gentlemen asked their pastry chefs to reproduce exactly the same eclairs. But, no one but the original creator could not make an exact copy of eclairs.

Now recipes for eclairs are everywhere. Let’s tell you about one of the ways to bake homemade healthy eclairs.

Ingredients for eclairs:

  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • rice flour – 100 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil – tbsp.

Preparation of eclairs:

In a saucepan mix water with vegetable oil, bring to a boil on medium heat. Sift the flour into a bowl,

pour the flour into the boiling water and knead the dough. Pour the flour gradually, so as not to clog the dough. After the dough has become homogeneous, put it in a bowl and let it cool down.

Beat the eggs with a whisk, put the mixture into the cooled dough and mix the components. We lay out the dough in a pastry bag.

Cover a baking tray with parchment, strain the future eclairs onto it.

Эклеры без пшеничной муки и сахара. Вкусный и полезный десерт для всей семьи

Bake the dessert at 180 degrees for half an hour. The

filling for eclairs can be chosen to taste – cottage cheese, condensed milk, chocolate paste

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Эклеры без пшеничной муки и сахара. Вкусный и полезный десерт для всей семьи

You will get delicious homemade eclairs.

Эклеры без пшеничной муки и сахара. Вкусный и полезный десерт для всей семьи

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