Tender Mascarpone, aromatic coffee, sugar cookies – this is the taste of the famous Tiramisu cake. For the first time Tiramisu was cooked in Italy, approximately in the XVII century. The birthplace of the cake should be considered Tuscany, as the famous Tiramisu recipes came from there. The
history of the cake is connected with the famous Italian Medici family. In order to surprise one of the members of the distinguished family, local confectioners decided to prepare an unusual dessert. As a result, Tiramisu was invented
. To this day, the cake remains on the lists of the most popular desserts in the world. Tiramisu is prepared constantly, on the most solemn holidays. Let’s tell you how to prepare the cake for Christmas.
Ingredients for Tiramisu:
- Red dry wine – 350 ml;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Cloves – 4 florets;
- Cardamom – 6 pieces;
- Badian – 2 flowers;
- Cinnamon – a stick;
- Orange.
Ingredients for the cream:
- Eggs – 3 pcs;
- Sugar – 5 tbsp;
- Mascarpone – 250 g;
- Cocoa;
- Savoiardi sticks – 250 g.
Preparation of Tiramisu:
Pour the wine into a saucepan, add the sugar, cloves, cardamom, cardamom, faggots and cinnamon. Boil the wine until hot, but do not bring to a boil. Pour the juice of the orange into the hot wine, lay out the slices, leave it until it cools down completely.
Separate the whites from the yolks, pour 3 spoons of granulated sugar to the whites and whisk until a white glossy mass is formed. In a separate bowl, beat the yolk with a mixer, add the rest of the sugar.
When the yolk becomes whiter, add mascarpone to it. Beat the mascarpone with the yolks to a homogeneous mass. Gently combine the yolks and mascarpone with the whites with a spatula and mix.
Cover the cake mold with cling film and spread a spoonful of cream on the bottom. Dip the sticks in the cooled wine and place on the cream layer. Put the
cream on the sticks
Dip the Savoiardi in the wine again and place on the cream. Repeat until we run out of ingredients.
The last layer of the cake is creamy
. Seal the top of the cake with food film and put it in the fridge for 4 hours.
After soaking, remove the film from the Tiramisu and sprinkle the top with cocoa.
It remains only to take the cake out of the mold and serve.
Bon appetit!