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Apple jam dessert “We can’t get enough of it in winter”! Proven recipe from my grandmother

Apple jam turns out simply amber, honeyed – apple pieces are transparent, dense. Jam is excellent as a filling for muffins, additions to desserts and cakes.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

apples, 1.5 kg;

– soda, 3 tsp;

– water, 3 liters.

For the preparation of syrup is necessary:

water, 200 ml;

– sugar, 800 g;

– lemon juice, 2 tbsp.

Cooking process

I always take hard varieties of apples for this jam, then the pieces turn out dense.

In a saucepan mix water with soda

. Apples cut with a vegetable cutter or into small pieces with a knife.

Pour the apples into the water with soda and leave for 1 hour.

For the syrup mix sugar, lemon juice and water, cook after boiling for 5 minutes


Take the apple slices out of the water with soda, let drain and pour into a clean pot, pour hot syrup, cover the pot with a lid and leave indoors overnight


In the morning put the pot on the stove, after boiling cook for 5 minutes and leave it open for 8 hours.

Again cook for 5 minutes after boiling, cool for 8 hours and cook for 5 minutes for the last time. Pour

the jam into sterilized jars, screw on the lids, turn and leave to cool. We

store in the cellar or in the pantry


My family loves such jam with pancakes, fritters and pancakes, often and pies, doughnuts I prepare with this stuffing.

Яблочное варенье десерт «Зимой не нарадуемся»! Проверенный рецепт от бабушки