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Zucchini and minced zucchini appetizer – simple, tasty delicious. I cook all summer long

Zucchini rolls are a delicious and healthy dish that can be a great choice for lunch or dinner. They are simple to prepare, but at the same time have a delicate flavor and attractive appearance.

Rolls can be prepared with different fillings: meat, vegetable or even sweet. This allows everyone to find a variant to taste. In addition, zucchini rolls can be served both hot and cold, which makes them a universal dish for any occasion.

Let’s tell about an uncomplicated recipe for zucchini rolls with stuffing from minced meat


  • Zucchini – 500 g;
  • Carrots – 1 pc;
  • Eggs – 5 pcs;
  • Cheese – 100 g;
  • Sour cream 15% – 200 g;
  • semolina – 25 g;
  • Stuffing – 500 g;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.

Preparation of zucchini rolls and minced meat:

For the stuffing, finely chop the onion, chop your favorite greens and add to the stuffing. Add salt to taste, black pepper and other seasonings, mix.

For the roll rub zucchini on a coarse grater, salt and leave the mass for 10 minutes. At this time, break eggs into a bowl, put sour cream, pour semolina

. Grate cheese on a coarse grater, on a small carrot, add the components to the mixture. Squeeze the zucchini mass from excess liquid and put it into the mixture.

Knead a thick dough, leave it for 15 minutes to swell. Cover a 33×43 cm baking tray with a Teflon mat. Pour the dough onto the


tray, spread it evenly

. Bake the dough at 190 degrees for 15 minutes, leave to cool for 10 minutes. Next, separate the layer from the mat, turn it over.

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Smear the layer with mincemeat, leaving a small distance without stuffing on one of the long ends.

Закуска из кабачков и фарша - проще простого, вкуснее вкусного. Готовлю всё лето

Roll the layer into a roll with the end without stuffing outside, and wrap the roll in foil in several layers.

Bake the roll at 190 degrees for 50 minutes. Then let the roll cool for about an hour.

Закуска из кабачков и фарша - проще простого, вкуснее вкусного. Готовлю всё лето

After cooling it is necessary to put the roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This way you get a delicious beautiful in cut zucchini roll with minced meat.

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