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Don’t throw away the egg whites. Crunchy cookie recipe: melting meringue with nuts

The history of Kiev cookies dates back to the middle of the XX century. It was created at the Kyiv confectionery factory named after Karl Marx, which began its work in 1946. The

first mentions of cookies date back to the 50s of the last century. At that time, it was a sand cookie with various additives, such as raisins, nuts or poppy

seeds. Over time, the recipe of cookies changed and improved, but its main ingredients remained unchanged. Nowadays

, there are many types of Kiev cookies, which differ in shape, size and filling. However, all of them retain their unique taste and aroma, which is so loved by many people.

Recipe for crispy cookies: melting meringue with nuts


  • egg whites – 320 g;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • citric acid – a pinch;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • peanuts – 200 g;
  • dark chocolate – 90 g.


Heat the whites in a saucepan on a water bath, mix gradually with sugar and citric acid. When the sugar has dissolved in the whites, whip them with a mixer for 10-12 minutes to a white glossy mass.

Melt the chocolate on a water bath


Chop the peanuts into fine crumbs. Sift the flour and ½ of the peanuts into the meringue.

Spiderweb the warm chocolate into the meringue and mix.

Не выбрасывайте яичные белки. Рецепт хрустящего печенья: тающее безе с орехами
Photo: www.youtube.com

You don’t want to mix the meringue and chocolate too hard, or you won’t get a marbled pattern.

Drop by tablespoonfuls of meringue onto a baking tray lined with parchment. Decorate the tops of the cookies with the remaining nuts.

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Не выбрасывайте яичные белки. Рецепт хрустящего печенья: тающее безе с орехами
Photo: www.youtube.com

Bake the cookies for 2 hours at 100 degrees. Remember to put the portions at a distance from each other.

Не выбрасывайте яичные белки. Рецепт хрустящего печенья: тающее безе с орехами
Photo: www.youtube.com

The result is a dry marbled meringue. This is a great way to utilize the proteins that are left over when cooking other baked goods.

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