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Pie with potatoes. My family started coming to visit more often to eat it: it is simply delicious

Potato pie is a traditional dish in many cuisines of the world. Its history goes back to the distant past, when pies were one of the main dishes on the table. Pies

with potatoes appeared in the XIX century, when this vegetable became widely used in cooking. Until then, pies with cabbage, mushrooms, berries and other fillings prevailed in many states. Initially, baked goods with potatoes were simple and affordable food, which was prepared in every family.

Over time, they became more diverse and complex in preparation. In the filling began to add various spices and herbs, as well as other ingredients such as meat, fish or mushrooms.

Let’s bake a homemade flavorful pie with potatoes



  • Water – 300 g;
  • Flour – 400 g;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Ingredients for stuffing:

  • Potatoes – 500 g;
  • Onion – 200 g;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of the pie with potatoes:

In a bowl with warm water pour salt, sugar and yeast, mix. Pour the flour into the water and knead a soft and slightly sticky dough. In the process of kneading pour vegetable oil into the dough and knead into a dough ball.

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

Leave the dough for an hour in the heat under a lid. Boil the potatoes, peel and mashed potato them. Add butter and salt to the mashed potatoes, mix.

Cut onions


quarter rings, fry until golden in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Put the onion into the mashed potatoes, mix.

ALSO READ:  Pie with cabbage in a frying pan - quick and very tasty. Tender casserole for lunch or dinner

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

Sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the risen dough, roll it in flour, knead it. Put the filling into the dough, gather the mashed potatoes into a bag and seal the inside.

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

Place the bag of dough with the filling on the baking tray, spread it with your hands over the entire surface.

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

Make a hole in the middle of the pie, bake at 250 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

Grease the surface liberally with butter.

Пирог с картошкой. Родные стали чаще ходить в гости, чтобы поесть его: просто объедение

The potato pie is easy to cook, but at the same time hearty.

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