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I don’t bake Easter anymore. The best recipe for air Panettone: you don’t even need to knead the dough

One of the main holidays for Christians in Europe and CIS countries is Easter. It is customary to bake kulichi for this religious celebration. This is a sweet pastry with glaze on top. It is hard to find a person who would not like kulichi

. Of course, each country has its own kulichi. For example, in Italy, the kulich is called Panettone. It is more suitable for New Year’s Eve, but you can bake it at Easter too. In addition to Italians, Panettone is common in Brazil and Uruguay. Milanese dessert is not particularly different from the kulich

. Let’s try to prepare Panettone with our own hands.


  • Flour – 620 g;
  • Yolks – 14 pcs;
  • Sugar – 220 g;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp;
  • Butter – 230 g;
  • Milk – 270 ml;
  • Pressed yeast – 40 g;
  • Salt – a pinch;
  • Vanilla essence – 3 drops;
  • Candied fruit (cranberries, raisins, mango) – 250 g;
  • Cognac – 100 ml;
  • Hot water – 100 ml.


In a saucepan, heat the milk. At this time to the washed and dried candied fruits pour cognac and hot water, leave under a food film for 2 hours.

In 100 ml of warm milk, pour a spoonful of sugar and yeast, add flour until the mixture becomes the consistency of thick sour cream.

Sift the flour, mix it with the sugar and salt. Beat the yolks with a mixer for a couple of minutes, pour into the opara and mix.

Пасху больше не пеку. Лучший рецепт воздушных Панеттоне: даже тесто месить не нужно

Make a depression in the loose products and pour in the mixture of yolks and opara, mix. Add the butter to the dough, beat with a mixer until smooth.

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Add the honey to the dough, continue beating with the hook attachment


Leave the dough warm for a couple of hours under a cling film.

Drain the candied fruits and add them to the dough


Add the vanilla essence and beat the dough for 10 minutes.

Пасху больше не пеку. Лучший рецепт воздушных Панеттоне: даже тесто месить не нужно

Spread the dough into ⅓ of a cupcake molds.

Пасху больше не пеку. Лучший рецепт воздушных Панеттоне: даже тесто месить не нужно

Leave the dough in the molds and under food wrap for 1.5 hours. The dough should rise and not reach the edge of the mold by 2 cm.

Bake the Panettone at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Пасху больше не пеку. Лучший рецепт воздушных Панеттоне: даже тесто месить не нужно

Пасху больше не пеку. Лучший рецепт воздушных Панеттоне: даже тесто месить не нужно

You can decorate the finished product with glaze – melt marshmallows or mix whites with lemon juice. You get soft and fragrant Italian cakes.

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