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A forgotten recipe from the USSR times. This is how our moms used to cook it and everyone loved it: the family will love it

Casserole is a dish that has shaped European cuisine for a long time. Each country has its own recipe for cooking casseroles. For example, the well-known lasagna is essentially a casserole.

Of course, the path of casseroles was thorny. Originally, it was the dish of beggars. Many incongruous ingredients were put on the casserole dough. As a rule, these were products that were left over from lunch or even from breakfast. After a while, casseroles were penetrated by the cooks of the elite of society and made more edible versions of the dish.

Let’s tell you how to prepare a homemade casserole of pasta


Ingredients for pasta casserole:

  • Pasta -130 g;
  • Salt – 2 tsp;
  • Onion – 1 pc;
  • Mushrooms – 100 g;
  • Ham – 100 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Cream 20% – 200 ml;
  • Cheese – 200 g.

Preparation of pasta casserole:

Boil in salted water (tsp) pasta until ready.


onions into small cubes and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until lightly golden.

Cut mushrooms into small plates and fry together with onions until golden.

Fried mushrooms

and onions

put to the pasta, previously removed from the water.

Забытый рецепт времен СССР. Так готовили наши мамы и всем нравилось: семья будет в восторге

Cut ham finely and put it into the pasta and mushroom mixture. Break eggs into a separate container, pour in cream and whisk.

Pour cream and egg into the mixture of pasta, mushrooms and ham.

Grate cheese on a coarse grater and pour into the mixture, stir.

Put the mass in a frying pan, level, cover with a lid and bake for 15 minutes on low heat.

Забытый рецепт времен СССР. Так готовили наши мамы и всем нравилось: семья будет в восторге

Next, using parchment and a flat plate, turn the casserole to the second side.

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Sprinkle the baked top with cheese.

Забытый рецепт времен СССР. Так готовили наши мамы и всем нравилось: семья будет в восторге

Cover the casserole with a lid and bake for 10 minutes on low heat.

Забытый рецепт времен СССР. Так готовили наши мамы и всем нравилось: семья будет в восторге

You get a hearty dish of pasta, mushrooms and ham.

Забытый рецепт времен СССР. Так готовили наши мамы и всем нравилось: семья будет в восторге

This is a great dinner option when you are bored with other dishes.

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