Varenyky is a dish that is known to many people. As a rule, dumplings are confused with dumplings. The difference between these two dishes is that they have a different shape. The origin of dumplings and dumplings is also different. If pelmeni is a dish from Siberia named after the ear of a bear, then dumplings are a Turkish dish. It came to Europe from merchants.
Dumplings are prepared not only with meat. This is a universal dish that is served with potatoes and jam. Therefore, dumplings can be a dessert, which does not afford dumplings.
Let’s prepare quick lazy dumplings
Ingredients for dumplings:
- cottage cheese dry – 200 g;
- egg – pcs;
- sugar – tbsp;
- flour – 2 tbsp.
Preparation of dumplings:
In a bowl with cottage cheese put sugar and beaten egg, mix thoroughly. Pour the flour into the curd mass, knead a non-sticky and elastic dough.
Form the dough into a ball, which we turn into a cylinder
Divide the dough into two equal parts and from each of them create a 2 cm diameter harness
. Divide the harnesses into 2 cm diameter pieces. Roll out each dumpling on the table, sealing all open slices.
Pour a little vegetable oil into a pot of water, put the dumplings in the pot and cook until ready.
You can make dumplings with cocoa powder. To do this, add cocoa to the cottage cheese mixture. The dumplings can be filled with jam, caramel, condensed milk and chocolate.
Simple and quick dumplings from cottage cheese are obtained. This dessert is sure to please children and adults.