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Braised cabbage: non-obvious tricks that will make the dish much tastier

Braised cabbage is a healthy side dish that some people constantly neglect. In summer and fall, we rejoice in the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. But, in winter we can not afford such a variety. Therefore, it is worth eating vegetables not in raw, but in stewed and fried form. Cabbage for stewing – the most suitable vegetable.

Where stewed cabbage came from – it is difficult to say. It is found in different cultures of the world. One thing unites the recipes – cabbage was cooked inventively, that is, with the addition of simple budget products.

It is worth cooking cabbage yourself to understand all the advantages of this dish.

Ingredients for braised cabbage:

  • cabbage – 2 kg;
  • onion – pcs;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • meat – 400 g.

Preparation of braised cabbage:

Clean the cabbage from the pith and upper leaves, thinly chop. In advance, get rid of the leaves from the hard vein, it gives cabbage a bad flavor

. Cut also finely onion and grate carrots on a coarse grater


In a thick-bottomed saucepan in vegetable oil, lightly fry the onion for a couple of minutes. Then put carrots and fry for another 2 minutes. Put

the meat to the vegetables and fry. Create a small cavity in the fried vegetables and put tomato paste there, gradually mix it with onions and carrots.

Тушёная капуста: неочевидные хитрости, которые сделают блюдо намного вкуснее

Salt and pepper the meat and vegetables, mix. Pour 50 ml of water into the pot and stew the meat on low heat until ready.

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You can gradually pour more hot water into the meat.

Remember that the amount of water for braising is different for winter and summer cabbage. Summer young cabbage releases more juice, so less water is needed.

Add cabbage to the meat and vegetables and saute over medium heat. If desired, you can add a little sauerkraut to the winter cabbage for flavor.

Fry the cabbage until it settles


Then cover the stewed cabbage with a lid and continue cooking over low heat.

5 minutes before the cabbage is ready, you should pepper and salt it, put a bay leaf.

Тушёная капуста: неочевидные хитрости, которые сделают блюдо намного вкуснее

Also in cabbage you can put bell peppers, smoked meat – this will give a more intense flavor to the dish.

When cooking cabbage with bell peppers, 15 minutes before cooking should be added to the dish apple cider vinegar – a tablespoon.

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