Pies became famous in ancient times. It is a very simple and primitive dish that was available to both rich people and poor people. The difference between pies was in the filling. The rich could afford to eat meat pies all the time. The poor were content with pies with vegetables and herbs.
Initially, the dough in pies was inedible. It served the function of carrying the contents. Cooks decided that the dough should be made edible. Thus was born the concept of modern pies.
Let’s prepare a simple pie from a minimum of ingredients without an oven.
Ingredients for cottage cheese pie:
- eggs – 4 pcs;
- potatoes – 600 g;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- paprika – ½ tsp;
- oregano – ½ tsp;
- cottage cheese – 300 g;
- garlic – clove;
- parsley – a bunch;
- dill – a bunch.
Preparation of cottage cheese pie:
Boil until ready peeled potatoes, grate them on a coarse grater. Break eggs to the potatoes, pour salt, paprika and oregano, mix.
Pour salt and pepper to taste into the cottage cheese, press a clove of garlic. Chop parsley and dill finely, add to the cottage cheese and mix.
Grease a frying pan with butter, put ½ of the potato mixture on the bottom. On the potato mass put the filling in the form of cottage cheese, cover with the second part of the potatoes.
Bake the pie in a skillet under a lid on medium heat. As soon as the pie is free to come off the bottom, turn it over to the other side and cook similarly.
The pie will settle immediately after cooking.
You can serve it with sour cream, you get a quick dish without flour and oven