Chicken mince, unlike pork and beef, does not always turn out tasty and juicy after cooking. Sometimes minced meat can make cutlets and other meat dishes dry, which spoils the overall perception of the product. What should be done to make chicken cutlets always juicy and tasty?
There are many different ways that were used back in the days of the Soviet Union. For example, adding chopped ice to minced meat and onions. But, not always these tips have an effect for cutlets and meatballs. It happens that cold water and onions do not save, but only aggravate the situation. How to make cutlets always delicious and juicy?
Ingredients for juicy cutlets:
- minced chicken – 500 g;
- onion – 2 pcs;
- bun – 2 pieces;
- milk – 100 ml;
- egg – pcs;
- cabbage – 100 g;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- garlic – clove.
Preparation of juicy cutlets:
To the chicken mince, chop through a meat grinder onion. Soak bread slices in milk in advance, then squeeze and add to the minced meat and onion.
Break an egg into the minced meat, mix the components. Shred cabbage finely, put it in the mince and mix again.
Press a clove of garlic, put it in the mince together with salt, mix and beat.
Form cutlets from the mince, if desired, roll them in breadcrumbs
Fry the cutlets on a frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until golden
Do not overdo it with cabbage in the cutlets. Otherwise you will get stuffed cabbage instead of cutlets.