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Кабачковая икра на зиму за 30 минут. Быстрый рецепт приготовления: теперь готовлю только так

Among all European countries, zucchini became very popular in Italy. There, zucchini is used to prepare many dishes, including pasta. However, canned zucchini began to be made not in Europe, but in the Soviet Union.

In our country, during the period of shortage, zucchini caviar became relevant. For many, this caviar replaced pates and other products from fish and meat.

Now zucchini caviar is a kind of delicacy from the past. It is worth showing how to deliciously cook zucchini caviar.

Ingredients for zucchini caviar:

  • zucchini – 2 kg;
  • onion – 500 g;
  • carrots – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • tomato paste – 4 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1 tbsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • 9% vinegar – 2 tablespoons;
  • water – 500 ml.

Preparation of zucchini caviar:

Sterilize in advance jars and lids. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, cut onions into large cubes

. Put the onions in the frying pan along with carrots cut into bars in advance.

Stew the vegetables in the pan over medium heat. Remove zucchini from stalks and cut into medium-sized cubes

. Put zucchini pieces in a saucepan, pour water.

Кабачковая икра на зиму за 30 минут. Быстрый рецепт приготовления: теперь готовлю только так

If there are a lot of large seeds in zucchini, it is better to remove them. Over medium heat bring the zucchini mass to a boil

. Mix the lightly fried onions and carrots, cover with a lid and continue to stew.

After 10 minutes, using a skimmer, place the zucchini pieces in the pan with the onions and carrots


Pour out the excess liquid from the pan, put the vegetable mass back in.

Bring the vegetables to a boil on high heat, then cook for 10 minutes on medium heat. Put tomato paste, salt and sugar on the surface of the vegetables, stir slightly and cook for another 10 minutes.

ALSO READ:  A hostess from India gave me the recipe. Now I cook zucchini tastes better than meat

Кабачковая икра на зиму за 30 минут. Быстрый рецепт приготовления: теперь готовлю только так

Do not forget to stir the vegetables in the process of cooking every 5 minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat and whip immersion blender vegetable mass to a homogeneous porridge. Pour vinegar into the mass, put on heat above medium and bring to a boil.

Кабачковая икра на зиму за 30 минут. Быстрый рецепт приготовления: теперь готовлю только так

Then turn down the heat to low and cook under a lid for a minute. Put the mass in sterilized jars, immediately roll up and turn the bottom up.

Кабачковая икра на зиму за 30 минут. Быстрый рецепт приготовления: теперь готовлю только так

Leave the jars to cool under a towel. You get a fragrant and bright zucchini caviar for the winter.

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