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1 minute leavening. I make it at home, I don’t buy it at the store anymore

One of the most important raw materials in the production of baked goods is leavening agent. Accordingly, the better the quality of the leavening agent, the tastier the baked goods. Many people have probably noticed how much the quality of bread and rolls varies from bakery to bakery. This is due to the difference in leavening agent.

Poor quality leavening agent has a characteristic acrid taste, which is apparent even after the bread has been cooked. Good-quality leavening agent is not felt in the bread at all.

There are productions where the leavening agent is prepared separately. How can you make leavening agent at home yourself?

Pour 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid into a dry jar. In the same jar pour 3 teaspoons of baking soda, mix the bulk products. In the resulting leavening agent pour 6 teaspoons of flour. The

jar is closed with a lid, tightly. Shake the container for a complete mixing of citric acid, baking soda and flour.

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Flour in the homemade leavening agent is added to make it more convenient to work with the product during the preparation of dough.

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It is important to pour the products into the jar with a spoon without a slide.

Leavening agent, made at home, is able to make baked goods tender and soft. It is an excellent substitute for store-bought leavening agent.