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3 potatoes and 2 eggs are enough. Potatoes and onions taste better than meat

Many people have completely different attitudes to potatoes. Someone adores this root vegetable and can not imagine without it any meat dish, and someone considers potatoes a carrier of harmful substances in the body. It is impossible not to agree with the positive and negative qualities of this vegetable. However, for all its history, the potato was mostly revered rather than hated.

We remember that the root vegetable was taboo in Europe. In the days when the vegetable was imported from America, no one knew how to cook it properly. This led to outbreaks of disease. And

yet, in Peru, the potato was revered. On the Andes settlements bred more than 200 types of potatoes a year.

Do not be prejudiced against potatoes


It is a good and healthy vegetable from which you can make many delicious things.

Ingredients for potato casserole:

  • potatoes – 4 pcs;
  • cornstarch – 3 tablespoons;
  • onion – 2 pieces;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • pepper – pcs;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • cheese – 100 g.

Preparation of potato casserole:

Potatoes need to be peeled, grated on medium grater teeth. Then shredded potatoes are washed in water, get rid of excess moisture and starch.

Onion cut into half-rings, fry in a frying pan with oil until soft. Pepper is cleaned from the insides, cut into long pieces. Add the pepper to the onions, salt and fry until lightly browned.

Grate the cheese very finely, squeeze the potatoes additionally from the liquid. Separately beat eggs with salt in a bowl, pour the potato mass.

To the potato mixture pour starch, mix the components. Put half of the potato mass on a hot frying pan. Sprinkle a layer of potatoes with cheese, move the fried vegetables on the cheese cap.

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Cover the vegetable mixture with cheese, put a layer of potatoes on top.

Достаточно 3 картофелины и 2 яйца. Картошка с луком вкуснее мяса

Evenly distribute the potato mass on top, on moderate heat braise the casserole for 10 minutes under a lid.

Достаточно 3 картофелины и 2 яйца. Картошка с луком вкуснее мяса

Next, turn the casserole over, similarly braise the dish for 15 minutes.

Достаточно 3 картофелины и 2 яйца. Картошка с луком вкуснее мяса

You can fry the casserole for 5 minutes without a lid after braising.

Достаточно 3 картофелины и 2 яйца. Картошка с луком вкуснее мяса

But even without this action, the potato casserole turns out quite tasty.

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