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A 3-ingredient salad, but tastes better than olivier and shuba. I make it all the time now

Apples are such an elementary fruit for us that we no longer give them much importance. But perhaps we underestimate the “power” of apples for nothing, because this fruit can complement a large number of dishes well. For example, apples can be used instead of pickled sweet onions in salads. For

the first time people began to eat apples since time immemorial


However, those were wild fruits. This fruit began to grow intentionally a little later, presumably on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. Now there are hundreds of varieties of delicious and useful apples.

We will make a salad using apples to prove how you can use them in this dish.

Ingredients for salad with apples:

  • Peking cabbage – 400 g;
  • salt – ⅔ tsp;
  • apples – 2 pcs;
  • lemon – ½ pcs;
  • smoked chicken breast – 250 g;
  • yogurt – 250 ml;
  • flax seeds – 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation of salad with apples:

Peking cabbage get rid of the pith, chop the leaves as finely as possible. Clean apples from peel, cut into thin slices

. Move apple slices into a separate bowl, squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice into the fruit slices. Place the juice-soaked straw on top of the Peking cabbage. Slice

the chicken breast into small bars, transfer to the apples and cabbage. Sprinkle the mixture with flax seeds and mix the components.

Grate a lemon on small grating teeth – you need to get half a teaspoon of zest.

Combine the zest with yogurt and salt, mix. Fill the salad with this mass, mix the components thoroughly.

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Салат из 3-х ингредиентов, но вкуснее оливье и шубы. Теперь постоянно готовлю

This salad can be considered a bomb of vitamins.

Салат из 3-х ингредиентов, но вкуснее оливье и шубы. Теперь постоянно готовлю

Unusual ingredients give a piquant flavor to the dish.

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